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Year 9

Lesson 6 Make a change

Curriculum > KS3 > Unit > Lesson

In this lesson, the learners will complete their school litter project by working through the final steps of the PPDAC cycle (analysis and conclusions). The lesson begins with the learners looking at an example visualisation. They will be encouraged to think about what they can learn from the data, as well as what additional information would be helpful for them to know. This will model the thought process they need to go through when analysing and concluding their projects. The learners will take an end-of-unit assessment before thinking about how they could apply what they have learnt in a context that is relevant to them and their lives.

Learning objectives

  • Visualise a data set
  • Analyse visualisations to identify patterns, trends, and outliers
  • Draw conclusions and report findings

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Learning graphs
  • Unit overviews
  • Activities
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